Preparation for the OQLF exams

Workshops offered entirely online
Our OQLF exam preparation workshops combine real-time group training sessions and self-directed work, which work you can do at the most convenient time for you.
Our virtual classrooms allow for a differentiated pedagogy, adapted to the needs of each individual. The technological resources we use are numerous and easy to use, and you will benefit from your teacher's personal feedback in complete confidentiality.
To follow a workshop, you must have access to one of the following equipment: computer, tablet or cell phone with internet access.
Who are these workshops for?
To practise your profession in Québec, you must demonstrate appropriate knowledge of French. If your professional order requires you to take a French examination and you are an advanced intermediate learner of French (for example, at level B.1.2 of the CEFR or level QUM 5 of the École de langues of the Université de Montréal), these workshops are for you. They are designed for candidates for membership in all the professional orders and in the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ).
For further information about the OQLF examination procedure, consult the OQLF examination section: Infoguides on French language requirements in business, in commerce, and in the workplace.
Since the OQLF examinations for the professional orders have recently undergone significant changes, we offer workshops reflecting that: interactive workshops geared to the duties related to your professional field. Our objective is to help you improve your oral and written knowledge of the French language according to your needs, master the vocabulary related to your field and prepare you for the format of the examination you will take at the OQLF.
It should be noted that participation in these workshops does not guarantee passing the official exams given by the OQLF.
Group workshops
Duration: 33 hours
Next workshops
Winter 2025
February 11 to March 27, 2025
Tuesday and Thursday, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
March 25 and 27, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Registration deadline February 3rd
- Improvement of oral and written French
- Mastery of the terminology of the discipline
- Preparation for the OQLF model examinations: simulation exercises, case studies, problem analysis and resolution
$545 including the registration fees, materials, placement test and training certificate.
- Registration will be followed by a mandatory placement test.
Private or semi-private tutoring workshops
Dates: At any time, throughout the year, according to your availability.
Schedule: To be determined on the basis of your schedule and that of your tutor.
The price includes the registration fees, materials, a personalized assessment of needs and a training certificate. Following the personalized assessment, a recommendation concerning the number of hours and the objectives to be met is issued to the participant.
Tutoring can also be semi-private, for two or three people from the same professional field if you find partners who want to join you.
Block of 5 hours
Private: $675
Semi-private: $475 per person
Block of 10 hours
Private: $1,350
Semi-private: $950 per person
Block of 15 hours
Private: $2,025
Semi-private: $1,425 per person
Block of 20 hours
Private: $2,700
Semi-private: $1,900 per person
Block of 25 hours
Private: $3,375
Semi-private: $2,375 per person
Sana Sabouni
Coordinator of non-credit programs