Linguistic Twinning

Cultivate university life in French
Are you a graduate student at the Université de Montréal? Do you speak little or no French and would like to develop your oral French skills as you integrate into university life? This language pairing program may be for you.
The mentors chosen to help you are French-speaking students who specialize in linguistics, translation, literature and the teaching of French.
This activity is free of charge.
Why should you sign up?
To begin or continue your learning of French – while integrating with university life in French – and to experience unique opportunities to connect with your francophone colleagues. Personalized meetings with a mentor are also designed to facilitate your communications with colleagues, administrative staff and the community at large, as well as to enable you to communicate about your academic research. Lastly, we invite you to participate in various cultural activities throughout the year to discover the city. Learning French will be the key to your integration with the French-speaking culture of Montréal and Québec.
Who is this program for?
Anyone who speaks little or no French and is enrolled in graduate studies in one of the following programs: Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Cellular and Integrative Physiology, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Studies, Geography, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Kinesiology, Law, Microbiology, Molecular, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacology, Physical Activity Sciences, Physics, Veterinary Science and Virology and Immunology.
To register:
Mario Cortés
Coordinator of the linguistic twinning program
“Teaching French means sharing one of my passions with motivated and committed people.”
PhD student in Comparative Literaturet
“Learning French is a huge door that opens up to many new cultures!”
PhD student in Computer Science
“My greatest achievement was realizing that I am able to communicate in French and start speaking French with my colleagues.”
PhD student in Molecular Biology